Scholarships for international students are awarded on Diversity & Merit. Any international student can be awarded one or both the scholarships. There is no separate Scholarship application. There are no scholarships available for citizens of Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh & Sri Lanka as well as for NRI, PIO & OCI students as their fee is already reduced.
Scholarship for citizens of African countries –
Eligibility : For all students coming from African countries.
Scholarship Amount per year : US$ 500 – US$ 1000. Scholarship is awarded as reduction in tuition fee. For e.g. if your annual tuition fee at Artemisia College is US$ 4000 and you are awarded US$ 1000, then you shall have to pay US$ 3000 as the total annual tuition fee.
2. Merit Scholarships : Artemisia College offers two kinds of Merit Scholarships. Merit Scholarship based on High School Grades and Merit Scholarship for Creative Students. Any international student can be awarded both the scholarships.
Merit Scholarship based on High School Grades :
Eligibility : All international students (except citizens of Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh & Sri Lanka and NRI, PIO & OCI students) are eligible for Merit Scholarship. Scholarship is awarded as reduction in tuition fee. Minimum grade to compete for Merit Scholarship based on class XII or equivalent is 75% or equivalent.
This scholarship is awarded to students who have high grades in the last examination of the school, which is equivalent to class XII examination in India. Depending on the grades obtained in class XII or equivalent examination, students are awarded scholarships ranging from US$ 500 to US$ 1000.
Merit Scholarship for Creative Students
Eligibility : All international students (except citizens of Bhutan, Nepal, Bangladesh & Sri Lanka and NRI, PIO & OCI students) are eligible for Merit Scholarship for Creative Students. Scholarship is awarded as reduction in tuition fee.
Students can apply for “Merit Scholarship for Creative Students” by submitting their creative work (portfolio). Their work will be evaluated upon submission. Creative work can be scanned work of paintings / drawings / illustrations / any design work related to Fashion, Interior, Graphic, Product, etc. / photographs of models, sculptures / scripts / creative blogs / photographs / movie clips / any electronic art work such as CGI, Animations, digital Illustrations, etc.
Please email your work (portfolio) at intladmissions@artemisiacollege.com. Remember to send your name, email address and the program you have applied for at Artemisia College in each email.
You can email a single file of your work containing multiple scanned images of your work OR you can send individual scanned images of your work (please limit to a maximum of 15 images). Each file you upload should be below 6 MB. If you are uploading one single file of your work containing multiple images and in case your file size is bigger than 6 MB, please break the file to multiple files. You can also send multiple emails but do not send more than a total of 15 scanned images. Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, jpeg, gif, tif, tiff.
In case, your work is already uploaded digitally, please email us the link where the Admissions Committee can view your work.
Conditions for scholarship to continue : Scholarship awarded is renewed every year. However, if the attendance of the student falls below 75% (under normal circumstances) and / or the student’s grades fall below 50%, the scholarship could be cancelled for subsequent years. For e.g. if a student is awarded US$ 1000 scholarship for the academic year 2019-20 and if his/her attendance falls below 75% (under normal circumstances) and / or the student’s grades fall below 50%, it is possible that the scholarship will not be renewed for the academic year 2020-21. The student will be able to given a chance to appeal against the decision, in case his / her scholarship is not renewed.